6 self-care habits that are changing my life

The things I do to look after my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.

Implementing self-care habits can have a profound impact on our overall well-being.

By consistently practicing these habits, we can show up for ourselves and experience positive transformations in our lives.

I’d like to share six self-care habits that have been making a significant difference in my own life. These are the ways that I continue to show up for myself.

  1. Making Sense of My Life Through Writing

    Journaling has become one of my favorite self-care habits. It provides me with a healing outlet to express my thoughts and feelings without judgment.

    Whether things are going well or I'm facing challenges, I write about everything—from life situations and experiences to the people I encounter.

    Through writing, I gain clarity about my true self, uncovering deeper insights and understanding the lessons life presents.

    Writing also enhances my self-awareness, helping me identify areas for improvement, negative thought patterns, and triggers for certain emotions.

    It serves as a powerful tool for personal growth and moving forward.

  2. Committing to Healthy Nutrition and Exercise

    We all know the importance of prioritising nutrition and physical activity, but it's essential to strike a balance and aim for progress rather than perfection.

    For me, this means focusing on healthy eating and exercise around 80% of the time.

    To support this, I plan my meals weekly, create a shopping list, and dedicate Sundays to meal prepping.

    I indulge in my favorite foods or treats around 20% of the time, ensuring I savor and enjoy those moments.

    Regarding exercise, I listen to my body, engaging in activities I genuinely enjoy, such as yoga, high-intensity interval training, strength training, walks, and hikes.

    By being flexible with my routine and mindful of my body's needs, I maintain a sustainable approach to fitness.

  3. Engaging in a Hobby as a Creative Outlet

    In my case, YouTube has become my creative outlet and passion and I devote at least 30 minutes to an hour each day after my day job to work on my channel.

    Initially, my focus was on monetisation - being able to make money doing something I enjoy, but it has evolved into something more meaningful.

    It offers me a space for creative control and self-expression, where I can authentically be myself.

    Unlike a nine-to-five job, I'm free to experiment, learn, and grow without restrictions.

    This creative pursuit boosts my self-confidence and contributes to continuous personal development.

  4. Choosing to Be Kind to Myself

    Shifting my self-talk from negativity to self-compassion has been transformative.

    Instead of being judgmental when facing challenges, I approach myself as a compassionate friend. I remind myself that the world doesn't revolve around me, and this actually alleviates a lot of unnecessary pressure!

    When I make mistakes, I ask if they will truly matter in the long run - in 1, 3, 5, or 10 years’ time. The answer is always a resounding no!

    This practice reduces my stress levels and cultivates a healthier mindset, promoting self-acceptance and growth.

  5. Making Time to Indulge in My Interests

    Self-care goes beyond physical and mental health—it also involves indulging in our passions.

    Embracing my love for the finer things in life, I've worked hard on my mindset to shed any guilt associated with enjoying luxury experiences that life has to offer.

    Exploring fancy cafes, wine bars, and restaurants in my area brings me so much joy!

    I also treat myself to occasional massages, embark on solo outings to bookstores and art galleries, and collect beautiful items that bring beauty and inspiration into my surroundings.

    Accepting and nurturing these interests has become an integral part of my self-care routine.

  6. Making Time for Family and Friends

    Nurturing meaningful relationships is crucial for our overall well-being. I prioritise spending time with my loved ones, regularly checking in, and organizing catch-ups.

    I also love to host gatherings at my place, filled with good food, wine, and conversations.

    Hosting my family and friends is a great way for me to deepen those connections and build a strong support network.

    I also recognise that trust takes time to develop, which is why I actively invest effort into these relationships.

Implementing these six self-care habits has had a really positive impact on my mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical health.

They have allowed me to gain clarity, prioritise my well-being, nurture my creativity, practice self-compassion, indulge in my passions, and foster meaningful connections.

While the journey wasn't always easy, turning 30 became a turning point where I applied the lessons learned in my 20s and really put in the effot to cultivate my dream life.

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What are some ways that you show up for yourself and look after your wellbeing?


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