8 Activities for a Slow Weekend


8 Activities for a Slow Weekend

There can be a lot going on during the week, so it’s important to dedicate time over the weekend to wind down and go slow. 

It can be tempting to jam pack the weekend with chores, social activities and to-do lists. 

In a world where we are used to moving at such a fast pace, we can forget to slow down. Sometimes we may even feel guilty or unproductive, but realise that your body needs days to rest and recover. 

Your mind also needs time to process conversations and things that have happened during the week, and to reflect on your actions and emotions.

Here are 8 activities to do over a slow weekend:

  1. Friday night meditation

Start the weekend off right by setting aside time to meditate on Friday night after work. This can be incredibly grounding after a busy week. Use meditation to unwind and reflect on the week that’s been, slow down your thoughts, and engage your senses. 

2. Research new recipes and plan healthy meals for the next week

Get creative and research some new healthy recipes to try! Use a simple 7 day calendar and plan your meals for the week ahead. Even if you just plan your dinners, this will help you feel more organised during the week. 

3. Take your time with grocery shopping and shop at the market

It’s easy to rush the grocery shopping, but instead of doing this, take your time and make a day out of it. Be intentional about finding fresh, local (and maybe even organic) ingredients. Perhaps shop at the market! Be present and mindful and take your time.

4. Dedicate 1 hour to do something creative

Nowadays especially with social media, we consume too much content. We are spiritual beings in a material world and are innately creative. We need to create, not just consume. Spend 1 hour creating something, this could be writing, sketching, cooking, designing, rearranging furniture - there’s so much!

5. Cook a healthy dinner

The great thing about preparing and making your own food is knowing exactly what ingredients go into the dishes. Rather than seeing cooking as a chore or worrying about not knowing how to cook, find a simple, healthy recipe to make. Put on a great playlist and maybe even pour yourself a glass of wine! Be present and mindful throughout the whole cooking process and realise you are setting aside time to nourish your body with good food and nutrients. 

6. Watch an old movie

Choose a movie that takes you back to your childhood. It can be really comforting to watch a nostalgic movie and be reminded of simpler times when you were just a child. It can also be fun to re-watch movies now as an adult that you watched as a kid because now you will actually understand the storyline! 

7. Journal about your thoughts and feelings

The act of writing something out can give more clarity to your thoughts and feelings. It also helps you process information and things that have occurred or are yet to occur. Given how often we type nowadays, slowing down and engaging in writing can be really therapeutic. 

8. Carve out time to do nothing at all!

In today’s world, the hustle culture is all too common. People tend to multitask a lot more and feel the pressure to always be as productive as possible. However, our bodies need rest and sometimes we just need time to think about things and be with our thoughts without any distractions. Carve out time and give yourself permission to do nothing at all, even if it’s just 15 minutes. Sometimes the best ideas come from daydreaming and having the space to think things through can provide clarity to situations and help with decision making.

It is so important to have downtime on the weekend to rest and relax. Prioritise self-care activities, be mindful and present, spend quality time with yourself and do things you genuinely enjoy! The weekend is a time to slow down, let go of the week that’s been and prepare for the week ahead. 

Go slowly.

Share your thoughts…

Do you find it easy to plan a slow weekend, or is this an opportunity area you need to work on?


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