5 things to add to your morning routine to start the day off right

Growing up my family worked in the hospitality industry. This meant our routine involved sleeping in a lot and many late nights.

However, since moving out of home, I’ve had the opportunity to re-adjust my daily rituals and routines.

I still wouldn’t call myself a morning person, but I certainly have seen the value of incorporating simple healthy activities in the morning before starting off my day.

If you have been thinking about ‘resetting’ in some way or making small shifts to start your day off better, here are 5 suggestions to get you going!

1. Don’t wake up and greet your phone

When you wake up, take a moment to do some reflection, go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, make breakfast and get ready for the day without checking your phone until later on. Savour the time in the morning that you have with yourself and your family and focus on the present moment, even for a short while. Waking up to all the notifications on your phone can make you feel anxious and stressed about what’s to come for the day, so don’t wake up and greet your phone.

2. Move your body

Moving your body doesn’t necessarily mean engaging in intense physical activity. Simply go for a short walk around the block, do some yoga stretches or walk your dog. But if you are someone that prefers a dedicated exercise routine, wake up a little earlier to do a 20 to 30 minute workout first thing in the morning. Your mind and body will surely thank you for it because our bodies are designed to move!

3. Set the ‘theme’ for your day

What’s one word, quote or saying that describes how you want to approach the rest of your day? Or how you want to feel as you move into your day? Here are some suggestions:

  • Confident

  • Calm

  • Ambitious

  • Trust

  • Focus on what’s within my control

  • Outside my comfort zone is where I will grow

  • Focus on optimism

  • Gratitude

As you go about your day, remind yourself of the intention you set in the morning and try to live by this for the rest of your day. This will give you focus and help set the right tone for your day.

4. Change your tone from ‘I have to do these things’ to ‘I get to do these things’

See how different that sounds already? Starting with ‘I have to’ can make everything sound like an obligation, but switching this to ‘I get to’ changes the tone to sound more grateful and appreciative.

Don’t underestimate the way you speak to yourself and the impact that this has on your emotions!

5. Breathe in fresh air

Make it a priority to get some fresh air in the morning. You might like to go for a short walk to grab your morning coffee or pay particular attention to the nature that surrounds you on your commute to work. Take a big breath and start your day off with a breath of fresh air.

All of these things do not require a lot of time to add to your morning routine, so give it a go! The key when creating your morning routine is to not try to change or add too much in one go.

Make small changes and add in these activities one at a time to see what best sets the tone for the rest of your day.

If you start your day off right, you are much more likely to enjoy the day and be more productive.

Share your thoughts…

What is one new activity you will try out for your morning routine this week?


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