5 Areas of Your Life to Re-evaluate Right Now (Journal Prompts Included!)

When was the last time you set aside some time to evaluate the different areas of your life? Have you given yourself a chance to pause and reflect on what’s working and what things need to change?

If you were to give your life an overall rating right now, what would it be? Would it score on the low end as you are not where you want to be? Or would it be scored quite highly because you are really content and happy with where things are at right now?

Whatever the case may be, it’s really important (particularly in today’s fast-paced world) to create time and space to evaluate the different areas of your life. Consider the following areas and questions…

1. Friendships

  • With the friends you have in your life right now, does it feel more like quality > quantity, or the other way around?

  • Do you have trusted people that you can count on when shit hits the fan?

  • Do you make time to have deep and meaningful conversations with your friends?

  • Do your friends encourage you to become the best version of yourself? Or do you hide the things that are going well in your life and sense envy when you share good news?

2. Finances

  • Do you have a decent amount of savings and/or an emergency fund set up?

  • Are you working on diversifying your income?

  • If you evaluate your spending habits, do the things you spend money on give you energy and contribute to your long-term goals? Do they fund short-term pleasures or are they spending habits you’ve kept since years ago that you’re beginning to outgrow?

  • How does the topic of money make you feel?

  • What are your fundamental beliefs around money?

3. Physical health

  • What’s the best morning routine to help set your day up for success?

  • Are you cooking or ordering out more?

  • Do you make time to move your body everyday?

  • Do you listen to the signals your body gives you after eating certain foods?

  • Do you have a restful evening routine?

4. Your home environment

  • How do you want your home to make you feel?

  • Are there objects you need to let go of to help you declutter your spaces?

  • How would you describe your style when it comes to interior design?

  • Do you enjoy where you live? (Your apartment/house, your neighbourhood/city/country)

5. Your purpose and passions

  • How much time each week do you dedicate to doing the things you love or exploring your interests?

  • What are the things you love? What energises you?

  • Every person is born with creativity (even if you think you are not creative!). How would you best describe how you like to exercise creativity?

  • What are some things you’d like to learn more about?

  • How do you want to be of service to the world?

Make the time to deep-dive and explore these questions. Consider where you are now and where you want to be in 12-months, 3, 5, or 10 years’ time.

Some of the ways you can answer these questions are by chatting to a good friend or family member, journalling, or simply laying down on the couch and letting your thoughts wander…

Share your thoughts…

What is the most significant area of your life that you need to make changes on right now?


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